About Us

What We're
We Can Save Our Children.Org (WCSOC) was born (circa 1991) out of a desire to meet the needs of today’s struggling youth, especially my own daughter at the time. As I sat and observed many of our young people and inner-city kids, I noticed that many appeared lost, struggling with confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. Others seemed to not have a sense of identity of who they were or who they were meant to be.
WCSOC started out of a desire to help rectify those issues. This truly was a call from God to address the above-mentioned concerns. I prayed and had many conversations with God as to how I could help address these problems that I saw these young people struggling with. I did not feel equipped to face such a challenge, yet I remembered that God does not always call the equipped, but rather equips the call. So, with that ideas began to form in my heart and mind. Many nights I’d lie awake with the strong urge to go put my thoughts to pen and paper. And I did. After several weeks, maybe even months, a book was born! I called it, “I’m Somebody Worth Saving—a Rites of Passage” text. From there an effort to invite young teens from the community and from the church took form. I ran a six-week summer program and used the textbook created from all the thoughts and ideas I had written each night, to teach the kids that came to the event. The book, “I Am Somebody Worth Saving” was launched!
Years later I read a quote by Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo that echoed my mindset when I first stepped out on faith and on a need to establish this program and organization. Quoting from her book, “Chosen Vessels”: “…Children of any color vitally need acceptance, kindness, encouragement, affirmation, and instruction, among other things.” This identified the driving force that I felt years prior—to set out to give each child who came through this program love, acceptance, kindness, encouragement, and affirmation through instruction along with other life skills that would hopefully propel them through life.
The end goal is to help every teenager go through this program successfully. By working through the textbook and grasping the concepts of each chapter, each child will be prepared to deal with the realization of how special and how worthy they are! This helps to embed in their psyche the belief that they can become anyone God says they can become! They can embrace their purpose and become fully empowered and confident! Furthermore, our desire is to change for the better the way these not so sure teens see themselves. Remember the song that Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote, “I am a Promise, I am a possibility, I am a promise with a capital P. I am a great big bundle of potentiality.” Well, this is what we want to convey, teach and have them walk out of our session after six weeks believing. They will feel special because they are! They will feel strong, courageous, intelligent, valuable, and confident because they will be! This program gives them the tools they need to feel all this and more. It is my honest belief, because I have seen it manifest over the 11 years I’ve run this program, it makes a difference. Once the teens internalize that someone believes in them, that they now have the skills to accomplish their dreams, they can use what they have obtained to build their own ladder to success. By the end of the program, they will be equipped to walk into their selfhood with a different view of life!
Our outreach is to any groups, clubs or organizations working with pre-teens and teens between the ages of 12 to 17 years of age. We target anyone or any organization that wants to impact young lives whether in your city, church, or community. If you’re a youth worker and play a vital part in impacting, shaping, and molding these impressionable minds, this program will interest you. Contact us for more details today.
Meet Our Founder
Hello, I am Ernestine Huff Brown MSN PHN RN, CEO and Founder of the non-profit We Can Save Our Children.Org. Welcome to our website! Let me share with you my passion for this program. I believe in positive affirmation and believing in our teens. They are our future! God had told us that if anyone harms just the least of his children, there is a price to pay. He has also admonished us to teach them so that unto the 3rd and 4thgeneration they may be blessed. I take that literally. This organization takes that literally. That’s why I chose to do something years ago to make a difference.
I love children! They are precious and worthy of being invested in and cared for, period. My own life was poured into during my early teens and that pouring into me changed the trajectory of my life. As people poured into my life, my mother first, my grandmother second and countless of other adults who told me I could do anything I dreamed I could do with God’s help. I had enough naivety and trust in these adults to believe just that. I felt I could beat the odds because so many of my adult mentors told me I could—coming from meager beginnings, with parents who never finished high school, yet encouraged me to do so. My parents did not know if or how they would finance me or my siblings’ higher education. But I believed that I would go to college! I felt whatever I put my mind to, it would happen. I remember having a teacher once who quoted to me, “Whatever the mind can conceive, you can achieve.” I held onto that quote. She had asked me if I would go to college and sheepishly, I told her my parents could not afford to send me, but that I was working towards keeping my grades up to get scholarships. That is when she cited the quote to me.
Well by the time I got to my post-college adult years, I wanted to encourage teenagers in the same manner. In 1991, ideas started to float in my head as I wanted to help encourage young teens to do better and feel better about themselves. That’s when this seed started to sprout in my heart and mind. The results are what you see today, We Can Save Our Children. This program works! I have seen so many young people come through this program who are now very successful in their walk of life. It only takes a seed to fall on a child to germinate into a full-blown belief of success and determination. That is what I am all about. Encouraging young teens to meet their God-given potential in their lives. I feel a responsibility, no, a calling to give back to others what I have received, to help this next generation live out their full potential.
There are so many teenagers today with so much potential and purpose who do not realize the sky could be the summit for them. This “rites of passage” program is a deal breaker for so many young lives. The turbulent teens as they were called when I grew up, already come with their own set of challenges and perplexities. Why not give an alternative to bolster a different paradigm. It all began in 1991. Now it’s 2023 and I am ready to encourage this next generation of teachers, leaders, and organizers. What better way to impact and change the world than through our youth?
EJ Huff Brown